Sunday, December 11, 2011

Can a man just lust a woman and not fall in love?

I have a friend that I have fallen in love with. We have been together for over two years. He said he cares about me very much but does not think he is capable of loving a woman. He said he lusts for them. He told me way in advance not to fall in love with him. I tried to understand his reasons and of course there is more to this then you all know. My question is more for MEN to answer. How can you be so close and intimate with a woman and not adventually fall in love? I am not putting my life on hold for him, my options are open here. I also love him to the point of not wanting to be with anyone else. He is only with me but he keeps telling me it is only temporary. I keep thinking that maybe one day he will see the light and the love will shine through. Most woman on here will tell me to stop wasting my time. I don't consider it a waste even if he never falls for me. I just want to know how it is possible to only lust and not love.Can a man just lust a woman and not fall in love?
Ok, previous answers aside, I believe that it is entirely possible to not be able to love, truly love, someone else. Whatever his issue is, and believe me there IS an issue, you aren't going to be able to change him, unless you're persistant in small ways about showing love and what love is.

It may be, for him, that he feels he cannot make a lifetime commitment, and would rather not drag you into a marriage only to want a divorce when he feels that its time to move on.

If you care about him, stay with him and enjoy his company as long as it lasts. But realize, the odds are 99/100 that it WILL end, and you will probably be slightly hurt. Prepare for it, and you'll be fine.Can a man just lust a woman and not fall in love?
It's possible...
Well personally, I don't really get intimate with a girl unless I have feelings for her.

But I don't think it's possible to be incapable of loving someone. We as humans love, it's what we do.
Is it at school? Because maybe he would like to have a relationship for fun during school, but not after. wat a hard situation to be in. plain and simple his scared to fall in love because he doesn't wanna get his lil heart broken. And good for ya on not regretting this situation.

Lust will always be there but really you should be with someone who'll love you back.

It's easier for guys to lust over a girl rather than love.
Hi Sally

Take a look at what he has done for you. Does it show love or just lust, despite his words? He may be just saying that he cant love when he can but doesn't want to out of fear or just doesn't want to tell you out of again, fear of what it could lead to. He may have fear of change, loss, getting hurt, being out of control. I am just saying that Fear may be the reason he is fighting his feelings. Email me!
  • advice my marriage
  • I love this

    im completley straight.

    with one exeption.

    i love men,but i think i love her too.

    what do you make of this:

    we started talking quite alot and became close.

    last night she stayed at my house .

    we were drinking.

    before we drunk we had 2 ciggarettes in my garden

    after inhaling a drag,i leaned forward .

    to my apsolute amazement so did she

    i gave her a blow back

    we went inside and began to drank.

    we were sat on the bed on skypecall to a guy called jake.

    tilting the laptop the other way, she leaned over and quickly kissed me , just once.

    i was going to do something after that,to keep it going.

    but i got the butterflies so much i thought i was going to be sick

    i am in love with her.

    in actuall love with her.

    shes coming round my house in a weeks time.

    how do i make things go the way i want this time?

    were both 18 by the way.

    Additional Details :

    how do i get rid of that feeling that im going to be sick because of the butterflys and nerves?I love this
    Okay so if you like men and women, you're bisexual or maybe not. So I am assessing what you have written there and it sounds to me that you get the butterflies as a self defense system because to you girls are gross and men are wonderful so your body is not allowing it to happen and you just found yourself a new best friend. Or you are bisexual and swing both ways. You should tell her how you feel about her and try to take it a step further except this time don't get drunk and see how that turns out. Try to do it without any influence to see how you feel. If you feel awkward with her then you don't swing both ways and you're just going to have to stick with men. Hope this helped.I love this
    just do it.
    First of all, you can't call yourself ';straight'; if you feel you are in love with this girl.

    There is nothing wrong with being lesbian or bisexual, you just have to accept it.

    If you really care about her and want the butterflies to go away, tell her how you feel. If she reciprocates, you should feel less nervous and be able to kiss her.
    ask her out! ur always gunna have butterflys.
    R u planning on having sex or not?
    If she was drunk and didnt remember dont worry about it i wouldnt get into it but do what you want
    you are not straight. dont say that you are... there is nothing wrong with being bisexual. i know what just happened- you read that and thought, ';this answer is stupid. i am straight!'; no.. you aren't. but there's nothing wrong with it. go for it if you feel it is mutual :)

    to get rid of the feeling, tell her how you feel

    im preety sure thats why you feel sick cuz u have feelings for her and your scared of what she might think if you be all serious and stuff.
    The butterflies were probably because you were nervous about being with a girl. If you love her, wait to spend time with her until you think she feels the same way and then tell her how you feel.
    Answer: If you two can go in your pants and throw up together at the same time and laugh about it in front of each other, then it is true love and you do not have to ever worry about being embarrassed about anything ever again. So go for it and see what happens.
    Saying you're completely straight isnt being truthful to yourself. If you're bisexual, then you're bisexual!! It sound like this chic likes you too. My advice, dont put on a front. If she kissed you, that means she likes you for who you are. So if you start acting like someone else, she might not like you anymore because it would be as if she was kissing someone else. Just be yourself. As for those darn butterflies, set the on fire!! LOL You're just shy. Thats all. And shy is cute.

    Are These The Best Man's Answers To Every Question A Woman Ever Asks?

    Man's Answers To Every Question A Woman Ever Asks?

    1. Why are men such jerks?

    It's a testosterone thing. Much similar to your PMS thing, we men suffer from testosterone poisoning. Why do you think the average life span of a male is typically 10 years shorter (and it's not just from all the bitching and nagging we have to endure)? Hormone modifies behaviour. We're just misunderstood.

    2. Why do men always have to ogle other women?

    Again, this is a testosterone thing. Do you honestly think that all the testosterone just fell out of our bodies the moment we met you? Besides, women do it as well. Women are just much better at not getting caught. I'm fairly certain it's some sort of photographic memory deal. Women take one quick look and memorize it for later reference. Since men lack this ability, we try to burn it into our memory by staring as much as we can.

    3. Why do men always touch themselves, especially in public?

    We occasionally need to adjust our little friend and make him happy. It's much like adjusting your bra. Being in public is just an added bonus.

    4. Why do men always say such stupid things?

    We like to. It's actually a whole lot of fun to see our partner frustrated by a few simple (and well chosen) words.

    5. Why are men so uncommunicative?

    You'd learn to keep your big mouth shut too if every time you open it you get into trouble with your partner.

    6. Why do men have to act like such retards?

    Well, we don't actually have to; we do it because we enjoy it. It's the old fashioned pride in a job well done that's missing in so much of the world nowadays.

    7. Why can't men just share their feelings?

    Do we look like women to you? Why is it so hard to understand that men and women are different? How are we supposed to share how we feel when we have no idea how we feel? Unless we're experiencing some extreme emotion like rage, hatred, disgust, or a brick on our foot, we have no idea how we feel. Personally, I get a headache whenever I try to figure out how I feel.

    8. Why can't men cuddle more (IE lie down and hug)?

    Please... How many hours do you think there are in a day? We oblige you as much as we can, but who the hell (besides women) can stand lying around for hours on end? We men... Men hunters... Need go roam... Starve in cave... Must go find wildebeest... Now sitting on our asses for hours on end on the other hand is a whole other story.

    9. How can men sit on their asses all day without moving?

    Men have very powerful sets of sitting muscles developed by evolution that enable us to sit for extended periods of time without getting tired. In prehistoric times, it was often necessary to sit in one spot for extended periods of time while hunting for prey. The more successful hunters were able to sit very still for very extended periods of time thereby passing on this ability to their progeny. The fidgety types were all gobbled up by saber toothed tigers etc. The end result is that almost all modern men are born with this innate ability.

    10. Why can't men just say ';I LOVE YOU?';

    Men are taught from a tender young age to be self sufficient. To say that we love you is equivalent to saying that we need you. Most men consider that a character fault. It's not easy to admit to one's own character faults.

    11. Why do men say ';I LOVE YOU'; when they hardly know me? Ho, Ho, Ho... Aren't you special?

    Well, some men think it's a sure fire way to get into your pants. Surprisingly, it actually still works quite well.

    12. Why doesn't my partner ever answer me?

    We just simply don't have the energy to answer every single one of your questions. If we think we do not have the answer, or that you will not like the answer, we simply remain quiet and save the energy for other things.

    13. Why won't men ever pick up after themselves?

    Why should we? It doesn't really bother us that much. Besides, we know darn well you'll pick it up.

    14. What's with all the belching and farting?

    This usually only occurs after months of courting. It's our way to let you know that we're comfortable with you. Believe it or not, it's actually a sign of affection. Besides, holding it for extended periods of time gives us stomach cramps.

    15. Why do men hate shopping?

    It's an evolutionary thing. Men hunt. Women gather. We just want to go out, kill it, and bring it back. Who wants to spend hours and hours to look at things we have no intention of killing? Err... buying?

    Are These The Best Man's Answers To Every Question A Woman Ever Asks?
    I don't have any of these problems as my wife and I have only ever had one arguement. It started on our wedding day and ......Are These The Best Man's Answers To Every Question A Woman Ever Asks?
    LOL excellent . Have a star. Glad some men have a sense of humour
    That pretty much sums me up. Lol.
    i much prefer the company of a man anytime to a woman. men enjoy shopping in amsterdam i noticed
    Haha. Love it. x]

    Makes me dread getting a BF though.
    Yea, sure, great answers--if you want to never have the love of a good woman, if you never want a real and serious relationship with a woman, if you want to pay for sex all the time. And if you do somehow fool a woman into marrying you, you'll have one unhappy woman on your hands and everyone knows if your woman is unhappy, everyone is unhappy. Good luck. Your list was obviously created by a man who has never had a close relationship with a woman.
    PMSL!!! Very good :))
    Excellent especially point #8.

    Why did God make it so that men like girls so much?

    Let me first acknowledge, so that there can be no doubts about it, that I know men and women have to mutually feel attraction to each other in order for procreation to happen and for the continuation of the human race. I know that it is in a family's best interest for the husband and wife to feel undue attraction for each other in order to preserve the indivisibility of the family and to make it a loving and caring unit, helping each and every one of its members. However, I do believe that the degrees of propensities between the two sexes could verily use an overhaul and perhaps become much more equalized than they already are.

    The magnitude and characteristics of the woman's libido for men is perfect as it is. It exists, it is strong, and it serves to keep women interested in men and make them willing to stay and preserve a conjugal and familial union. The problem lies in the masculine libido for women. For some reason, in addition to all the characteristics of the woman's libido, this libido is so powerful and conquering that it often blockades a man's reasoning abilities and forces him to do nefarious actions, such as rape and dating abuse, that he otherwise would not be wont to do. And it does not have anything to do with a girl's pulchritude as this would be resorting to propter hoc ergo sic id stat. What humanity needs is a quid pro quo. It would be better if God had made men love girls in much the same as girls love men. Not only would this serve to decimate current rates of rape and other erogenous-linked crimes, but it would also propitiate the human race in that there would be a much greater feeling of equality between the two sexes. If we had a quid pro quo, then it would be as justified and prima facie understandable as in the case of two different commercial banks. Each bank possesses a foreign currency that they do not need for a domestic transaction yet are bereft of the domestic currency that they so desperately need. According to the foreign exchange rate, and for the mutual benefit and satisfaction of both banks, they trade the currencies and afterward each possesses the same net amount of money although now they have obtained more efficacy and power. What the human race does not want for its coitus is what we currently have where men feel so much more attraction and pleasure in perceiving girls than girls do so to men. It is almost like a scenario where there is an unwritten law that women should give fifty percent tips to male waiters meanwhile males should only give ten percent tips to female waiters. If we really wanted equality between the sexes there would have to be conspicuous equality in this respect too.

    The point of the last paragraph was to illustrate to you how ridiculous the situation currently stands. Now it would be fitting and decent for you to provide a logical explanation as to how it is good and proper for God to bestow such a strong pull and attraction for girls in the minds and souls of men. Please read the entire question before you answer and do not be unethical in your answers. I want no sarcastic remarks or ad hominem attacks. You can definitely disagree and I encourage you to do so but keep it respectful and within the guidelines of an actual conversation between two persons.

    Warning: Many of the views expressed in this question and explanation are not reflective of the views of the author. The intent of this question is to provoke dialogue. Why did God make it so that men like girls so much?
    Rape and date abuse are not ';libido'; based. Rape is an act of aggression and power.

    Rapists hate women, not love them.

    What distinguishes humans from the rest of the animal kingdom is the ability to reason, rather than simply follow biological impulses.

    It is true the sex drive is the strongest drive there is in both men and women. Why did God make it so that men like girls so much?
    He didn't. Nature did so we can procreate.
    Look mommy I'm on the computer
    To give himself an excuse to hate homosexuals.
    Is this a question or just a place for you to vent your empty thoughts?

    This is so long I don't think you are going to have a person even begin to read it.
    because if it wasn't for us women men would never survive lol
    i wish so that my man would like me
    Dude to frickin long.

    Why God did it, I don't know he just did. Thats the only logical answer your going to get. Ask the lord himself.

    Is to make baby.
    soo im not gonna read your long paragraphs sooo. this is my answer to jsut your question.

    why should't he have made men love women soo much. dont you wish someone would love you soooo much
    I think more people would understand what you're saying if you provided latin to english translations for all the people who didn't take latin in high school.

    And besides, it's all hormones. Some guys just have too much. =[

    And besides, this is all because of biological evolution, which is also the reason we are so fat (our ancestors = the more the ate, the better their chances of survival). Our brains are just wired to think this way.
    cause women are the greatest creatures on the planet.
    He didn't. Some men like other men and some men like both.
    god does stuff for different reasons
    God wants husbands and wives to have lots of sex.

    %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;so powerful and conquering that it often blockades a man's reasoning abilities and forces him to do nefarious actions, such as rape and dating abuse,%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

    No, the male sex drive doesn't force a man to rape anyone. I've only had sex with my wife thank you very much.
    Um, so we could continue to exist...
    Women are nurturing supporters (motherly) and Men are providers (worker bees). Together they balance and make life a little less hectic and frightening. As far as one loving the other more, I feel its two different loves. Neither can experience the others love, it just has to be excepted. Love is love and trying to put a score on it is a waste of time.

    I hate her! I hate her! What do I do to keep from committing mass sororicide!?

    I despise my mother with an unbelievable hatred. An undeniable fury that could send a Viking running in terror. I can't take this anymore. She is the most hateful, deceitful, self-loving, self-pitying person I have ever met. Let me explain.

    She, in the past four years, has developed a taste for alcohol. Ah, I remember mixing her Martinis and listening intently as she described why she is such an amazing mother, the parenting prowess of those who shunned her unparalleled to her own. Why men are dogs, and should be treated as lesser beings far less intelligent than her. It was alright for a while. But, alas, my father hated it. He would insult me when I came in the room, insult me every day, he'd scream and grab me, call me a ';stinking drunk';....But it was okay. Because ';mother'; was ';truthful';. ';Mother'; was ';honest';. Nope. One night she got really, really tanked. She told me stories about how her father kicked her to pieces, her mother beat her with a broom, and her uncle molested her. I was so frantic and upset that I cracked a ceramic pot over my head until it cracked. Then I swallowed a handful of sleeping pills. Being ten...I wasn't the smartest when it came to suicide. It didn't work. And a few days later...When I asked her about the stories...She said I was ';lying';. That she exaggerated. That her father once hit her brother over the head with a broom, and kicked her once when she was being a brat.

    I never trusted her again. She became belligerent, drank more, started hitting me a few times...Nothing hard, just really bad swings. A couple times she clonked me in the nose. Then we moved. Constant insults, constant misery, nightly drinking, daily arguments. Needless to say I lost my mind. My dad has become a lot better...But her....She's disgusting. A sweaty, burnt leather sack wrapped around 280 pounds of charred lungs, a filthy liver, and fat. She never takes care of herself, wearing the same sickening sweat pants and near-transparent shirt every day.....She always smells like sweat and tobacco...Gah. She talks about my dad and I behind our backs to her parents, says that he causes her alcoholism, that we're the scum of the earth. Yeah...he's causing it alright...Going out of his way to buy her a 40$ bottle of Scotch. Oh no, my grandparents do it too. ';Most miserable people I've ever met.';, ';I think you should just get a divorce.'; I CAN'T STAND IT!

    And now...This surgery brings nothing but joy. She likes to withhold my pills, you see. And when I fall from the pain she likes to make bitchy comments and go out for a smoke, leaving me on the floor. And at night...Well...If I have to pee? Or if I'm dizzy from dehydration? Just have to wait till' the sun comes up so Daddy can help me, because God knows drunky has to stumble to bed. Or the Den floor. Whichever hits her first. And hah...If it wasn't for my daddy...Well, I'd probably die of starvation/dehydration in a puddle of my own urine on the bedroom floor. God bless the man. He loves her though...Which I could never understand. Why would he love her? She says she hates him! Gah!

    And she is so humiliating, I was a late bed wetter, so now that every time I sit on a couch or chair she always....ALWAYS...Makes some comment. ';Oh-...Sweeeetie pie, get off the couchy-poo before you make pee-pees.';, ';Oh do you want me to put the pad-dy down in case you poo-poo? Daddy would be very angry if you made wetties on his chair.'; It's humiliating. I feel like a toddler. She...She...I just wish she would go live somewhere else. In a convent, maybe. Yeah.

    I'm sorry about this everyone...I just needed to vent. If you have any suggestions about how to help the situation please chime in. If you have any criticisms do so too.I hate her! I hate her! What do I do to keep from committing mass sororicide!?
    Holy s--t. This may be an evil idea, but this sounds like a desperate situation. First, set up a hidden camera. Then, hide all of her alcohol, and tell her that you threw it away. Or, just be honest and tell her that you hid it. Make sure to tell her that you did it because you hate seeing her as an alcoholic. Now, at this moment, the situation will turn towards two possible endings. She will either realize that she has a problem and break down, or she will get mad and start engaging you. If she yells (which is guaranteed in the second situation), don't yell back. Try to be calm the whole time. Then, if I have analyzed her correctly, she will probably get physically violent with you. All you have to do is wait until she hits you a few times (not just slaps, but actual malicious punches) before running out of her reach. At that point, pull out the video camera, tell her that you have her physical abuse on tape, and then threaten to send it to the police. Then, immediately take the tape/memory chip to a trustworthy friend's house for safe keeping. By the way, don't tell her who has it.

    If you manage to do all of this, you will have successfully changed the status quo in the household, giving you power over her freedom. I must add, though, that you should only use the newfound power to curb her mental abuse. Do NOT abuse it to get special treatment or anything, because then you will be just as bad as her.I hate her! I hate her! What do I do to keep from committing mass sororicide!?
    You should start your own sorority.
    Since your dad is all better, your dad should get custody of you and you guys should move out. I don't understand how your dad could love a monstrous alcoholic. Your mom makes my mom look like the nicest mom in the world.

    If my advice doesn't work, then just destroy all the liquor before it reaches your ';mom';. If that doesn't work either, get a therapist or social worker to help you out.

    It seems like your ';mom'; has some life issues to deal with. She needs help also. Also, killing yourself is not the answer.

    By the way, you spelled suicide wrong on your question. I guess your were really pissed off when you were typing. Just saying.

    I'm sorry all of this crap has happened to you. I hope you find some help. You have my deepest sympathies.

    if your being serious about this

    you should get your mom help cause she sound like and alcoholic

    or at least talk to someone about this and get help, i know that you probably hate hearing this, but it does help. I used to be suicidal and have realized that talking about your problems with somebody you trust does work.

    If your still in school talk about it with your counselor who would be happy to help you with your family crisis

    i know this is answer might not be much but i hope that i at least helped you a little bit:)
    you and your father should try stop her from drinking by taking all her money from her by stealing.
    Hi, i really do feel for you, i'm wondering what age you are, and why you can't just move?

    I completley disagree that you should touch her alcohol, in the long run this makes no difference to and alcoholic. She will find more somehow at some point, she will only stop if she wants to, not because you do. The only way to help yourself is to get away from her and withdraw from her.

    My own mother is a recovering alcoholic for nearly 9 years, and was drinking for years before that, her last 5 being particularly miserable. She was humiliating, irritating, spiteful and cruel.

    It is an illness. Your mother is sick. It sounds like she has deep depression with her alcoholism and is treating you in this vile way because her life is so miserable that she wants your to be too. There is nothing that you can do to help her, you could tell her that you know that she is an alcoholic and that she needs help. Her reaction might not be good, but at least she knows that you know. Denial is one of the main reasons alcoholics can't stop drinking. They don't believe that's what they are. But make sure she knows that you KNOW that's what she is.

    Her treatment to you is cruel and inexcusable. You should try and get away from her. I don't know where your from but maybe you should contact social services if you are too young to live alone. Get help from someone, even if it is authorities. Any person with a sane state of mind can see that you are suffering from physical and mental abuse. You shouldn't be put through this, you are not responsible for her mistakes. If you can't move due to age you should be eligible for help from some sort of caring authority, especially in your circumstances.

    You may feel sorry for your father, but remember, although life may be pretty miserable for him too, he can leave if he wants, but he doesn't, he may not be ready to leave this situation which he has endured for so long, it's hard to understand but it's the way it can be unfortunately for people in destructive relationships. You have to try and concentrate on how to help yourself before you could possibly help anyone else. Just let him know that your there for him. But if you can get out you should. Your mother won't stop drinking unless she wants to and is ready to. Good luck.
    write a book! you're amazing. are you an author i swear i would read it.

    at school we just finished reading a book similar to this. abusive mother and stuff.
    I think you and your dad needs to encourage her to go to a rehabilitation center.
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  • Should I Let Him Go, Or Should I Keep Him?

    I have had a boyfriend for 3 1/2 years now. He is the man who made me realize how a woman should really be treated %26amp; how a woman should hold herself (class %26amp; respect). He used to treat me like a queen, hold my hand, want to touch me, kiss me %26amp; he loves being be around me. All of that has drastically changed. He barely looks at me, I try to get a kiss %26amp; he says ';I already gave you one earlier';, he barely talks to me, he says mean things to me %26amp; tries to cover it up with ';...I was just kidding...'; %26amp; we go weeks without having sex.

    I have started to feel undesirable %26amp; unattractive. I have become depressed %26amp; VERY lonely, I find myself crying everyday. Now I know the first recommendation would be to talk to him. Well I have many times. He says that he is just stressed out, or tired %26amp; that he is still attracted to me. These are valid reasons why there would be a change in behavior, but why towards me? I have done nothing but try to help him %26amp; support him through hard times %26amp; now that things are starting to look up, I'm getting completely getting shafted. I have become an empty shell of a person because the man I love has set the standards so high of how a man should be, %26amp; now has become the complete opposite.We have talked about it so many times %26amp; I have told him how I feel but nothing has changed. I am so fed up with feeling so low %26amp; there being no resolution that I may just want to end it. I don't know if I have the strength to break up with him but I don't want to feel like this anymore.Should I Let Him Go, Or Should I Keep Him?
    up to youShould I Let Him Go, Or Should I Keep Him?
    Who threw passion out with the bath water? Your own identity as a woman has to come from you. He forgot that women want 4 things: 1) to be held, 2) to be listened to, 3) to be loved unconditionally, and 4) to be shown passion. It is not just how you feel about him, but how he makes you feel about yourself.
    rock his world in bed..and i mean in every way..if that doesnt do it..hes either gay or doesnt want you anymore.
    honey get over hm..go some where without him...for a little while..and if he loves you he will come back to you..if not then he is not the right guy for you... and to be honest even though u proply hear this alot...but thr are alot of fish out there....and u will eventually find the right guy
    end it
    Well it must be very confusing. However, there are always periods - in a long-term relationship - when the infatuation, the 'being in love' feeling ends and something else needs to take place, which is real love, which is what we 'work on' every day with our spouse. The problem is that many people are not taught this (where would they?) and therefore they become very confused when they are 'hit' by this. The best solution is of course to go to therapy - marriage therapy - because just talking about it together will not solve it.

    If, however, the problem is only an external one, for example he's very stressed at work (but I don't think it's just that, but let's assume it is), you are the person who suffers the most because you are the person he comes back to - it is true that the closest person to us suffers our worst moods, whilst the stranger gets the best of us sometimes. It's just human nature, unfortunately, and again we need to be trained to avoid doing this for the sake of our relationships.

    A relationship that works needs to be worked on every day. You can also start yourself by reflecting on what you can do to improve the relationship. He may be surprised by YOUR change. But, if you can , go to marriage therapy or counseling, because it's the quickest way to resolve this before it's too late.
    girl you need to let him go.. NO GIRL DESERVES THAT!!

    you say that he is the one who taught you how a woman should be treated ,etc. and it is not like that! Letting him go will be hard but sometimes you need to think of yourself and know that you deserve to be treated better..he feels safe that your there and doesnt think you'll leave.or he's over it thinking he is bored or just being an a**hole. let him go and explain why '; [i] dont deserve to be treated like this, you once treated me with respect and i have now lost all respect for you...'; or something aalong those lines

    maybe/hopefully after realising what he lost he will grow up and realize what he has done and what caused it...

    hope it all works out!!
    You are just mirroring him. If he is stressed out and tired, you will feel stressed out and tired. Then that feeds back on him and he mirrors you.

    What you need is two boyfriends, or maybe just some more fun friends. Once you start having some fun, he will pick up on that energy, and work his way out of that rut by mirroring you. Just go out, have some fun, then share the energy.
    break up with him then get back together a day later maybe hell come to his senses i no its harder then it sounds but good luck
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  • Are These The Best Man's Answers To Every Question A Woman Ever Asks?

    Man's Answers To Every Question A Woman Ever Asks?

    1. Why are men such jerks?

    It's a testosterone thing. Much similar to your PMS thing, we men suffer from testosterone poisoning. Why do you think the average life span of a male is typically 10 years shorter (and it's not just from all the bitching and nagging we have to endure)? Hormone modifies behaviour. We're just misunderstood.

    2. Why do men always have to ogle other women?

    Again, this is a testosterone thing. Do you honestly think that all the testosterone just fell out of our bodies the moment we met you? Besides, women do it as well. Women are just much better at not getting caught. I'm fairly certain it's some sort of photographic memory deal. Women take one quick look and memorize it for later reference. Since men lack this ability, we try to burn it into our memory by staring as much as we can.

    3. Why do men always touch themselves, especially in public?

    We occasionally need to adjust our little friend and make him happy. It's much like adjusting your bra. Being in public is just an added bonus.

    4. Why do men always say such stupid things?

    We like to. It's actually a whole lot of fun to see our partner frustrated by a few simple (and well chosen) words.

    5. Why are men so uncommunicative?

    You'd learn to keep your big mouth shut too if every time you open it you get into trouble with your partner.

    6. Why do men have to act like such retards?

    Well, we don't actually have to; we do it because we enjoy it. It's the old fashioned pride in a job well done that's missing in so much of the world nowadays.

    7. Why can't men just share their feelings?

    Do we look like women to you? Why is it so hard to understand that men and women are different? How are we supposed to share how we feel when we have no idea how we feel? Unless we're experiencing some extreme emotion like rage, hatred, disgust, or a brick on our foot, we have no idea how we feel. Personally, I get a headache whenever I try to figure out how I feel.

    8. Why can't men cuddle more (IE lie down and hug)?

    Please... How many hours do you think there are in a day? We oblige you as much as we can, but who the hell (besides women) can stand lying around for hours on end? We men... Men hunters... Need go roam... Starve in cave... Must go find wildebeest... Now sitting on our asses for hours on end on the other hand is a whole other story.

    9. How can men sit on their asses all day without moving?

    Men have very powerful sets of sitting muscles developed by evolution that enable us to sit for extended periods of time without getting tired. In prehistoric times, it was often necessary to sit in one spot for extended periods of time while hunting for prey. The more successful hunters were able to sit very still for very extended periods of time thereby passing on this ability to their progeny. The fidgety types were all gobbled up by saber toothed tigers etc. The end result is that almost all modern men are born with this innate ability.

    10. Why can't men just say ';I LOVE YOU?';

    Men are taught from a tender young age to be self sufficient. To say that we love you is equivalent to saying that we need you. Most men consider that a character fault. It's not easy to admit to one's own character faults.

    11. Why do men say ';I LOVE YOU'; when they hardly know me? Ho, Ho, Ho... Aren't you special?

    Well, some men think it's a sure fire way to get into your pants. Surprisingly, it actually still works quite well.

    12. Why doesn't my partner ever answer me?

    We just simply don't have the energy to answer every single one of your questions. If we think we do not have the answer, or that you will not like the answer, we simply remain quiet and save the energy for other things.

    13. Why won't men ever pick up after themselves?

    Why should we? It doesn't really bother us that much. Besides, we know darn well you'll pick it up.

    14. What's with all the belching and farting?

    This usually only occurs after months of courting. It's our way to let you know that we're comfortable with you. Believe it or not, it's actually a sign of affection. Besides, holding it for extended periods of time gives us stomach cramps.

    15. Why do men hate shopping?

    It's an evolutionary thing. Men hunt. Women gather. We just want to go out, kill it, and bring it back. Who wants to spend hours and hours to look at things we have no intention of killing? Err... buying?

    Are These The Best Man's Answers To Every Question A Woman Ever Asks?
    I don't have any of these problems as my wife and I have only ever had one arguement. It started on our wedding day and ......Are These The Best Man's Answers To Every Question A Woman Ever Asks?
    LOL excellent . Have a star. Glad some men have a sense of humour
    That pretty much sums me up. Lol.
    i much prefer the company of a man anytime to a woman. men enjoy shopping in amsterdam i noticed
    Haha. Love it. x]

    Makes me dread getting a BF though.
    Yea, sure, great answers--if you want to never have the love of a good woman, if you never want a real and serious relationship with a woman, if you want to pay for sex all the time. And if you do somehow fool a woman into marrying you, you'll have one unhappy woman on your hands and everyone knows if your woman is unhappy, everyone is unhappy. Good luck. Your list was obviously created by a man who has never had a close relationship with a woman.
    PMSL!!! Very good :))
    Excellent especially point #8.