Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I love my man but I am now so confused?

I have a live in bf, we have been together for about 1 year. Meanwhile he is going through custody battles over his children. I stand behind him 100%. We both had to go to court yesterday, and we got the results of everything that the judge decided. He was talking horrible about his ex wife, behind her back. Then when we had to go sit in the same room with her he was kissing her butt. Telling her stuff she did not need to know, while completely ignoring me. Then she said something about the kids and he says,';whatever you say.'; I wanted to punch him in the face. So the thoughts running through my head was he isn't over her, she has him right where she wants him, and he is kissing her butt for what the results are finalized already. So I did not talk to him the whole ride home. And he kept trying to talk to me and hold my hand, I said, ';not in front of the kids.';

So we got home, made the kids lunch. And we went in the bedroom to talk. I told him all my thoughts about it and he said,'; sorry I really wanted to try and see if she would agree to the whole 50/50 custody thing. I love YOU, nobody else just YOU.'; then he started to cry. So I told him,'; I do not even know what to say, let me think things through. And as for the other way around, puit yourself in my place, how would you have liked it? What would you have thought?'; So I slept on the couch all night. So was I wrong or him? And what are some opinions about the whole thing?I love my man but I am now so confused?
I think you handled the situation like a pro. I don't think you were anywhere near wrong because you were on point and at the top of your game. Just see how he plays it from this point on and you'll be able to decide if its worth continuing this relationship or not.I love my man but I am now so confused?
you were wrong or he is an *** for you sleeping on the couch. always make the guy sleep on the couch
being honest you should have stayed out of this. Let him handle his affairs. Thats why it is best to get involved with someone after the whole sordid mess of his last relationship is over remember it takes to tango so he's no angel
Don't worry, it's human nature to feel like that. Don't dwell on the things that he did in front of you to his ex wife. That will only put a seed of doubt in your heart. Trust him. That's one of the things you will have to face and you gotta trust him with all your might because you know you love him. =)
just trust your man in everyhting he does
The confusing thing is why you thought you needed to be in court yesterday at all?!? You are not a part of the equation. The children, and custody issues are strictly between him and his ex-wife.

He must keep it civil with the ex-wife since she could drag him back into court stating that she does not think that having the kids stay at his house is a 'good environment'. You must realize that she could convince a judge that having a live-in girlfriend is a bad influence upon her children. You are not their step mother, so you have no say in raising these children and should not have even been at a court hearing. She could have had YOU removed from the proceedings.

Are you wrong in this matter, YES. Custody battles are just that . . . battles. One parent must act like a grown up for the benefit of the children or risk having them ripped out of their life. What would he have gained if he bad mouthed his ex in front of her attorney and the judge. He was the mature one in this situation and it seems as if your punishing him and making him choose the children (which he already made) or you. You knew what you were getting into a year ago and you must step back from the custody/court proceedings that don't involve you.

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