how dare anyone tell someone they are not a Christian
what does a Christian mean ?
believing the Jesus is your saviour and that he died for his sins ?
if so then this mans lifestyle makes no difference to whether he is a Christian or not
and what he does is between him and his God
would you tell the person with an eating disorder that they are not Christian because gluttony is a sin ?
no ... you would love them and hope they get help with their long as they keep loving Jesus in meantime right ?
why if gluttony being one of the 7 deadly sins is ok with you guys but being gay isnt ?
are you making up your own rules ??Who made you judge and jury?
Your analysis is very true. People tend to make judgements without remembering some of the that the bible teaches us '; to not cast stones';. I have never understood where some people get the sense that they have the right to judge/label others. What is worth remembering is that a lack of knowledge breeds ignorance. People need to take the time to learn and understand others who may be different from them before making any type of conclusion.Who made you judge and jury?
We could respectfully ask, who made you the judge and jury? Antichrist teaching Christ ! ! We've seen it all !
Acts 16/17. Nothing new under the sun.
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I make up my own rules but I abdicated the Judiciary from a distinct lack of interest as to the doings and goings on of humanity.
I'm not getting into the homosexual/sin debate, I'm really not. It's been so done I think we are all tired of it.
Try to understand the difference between correction and judgment.
We are told to correct people. If you see someone doing something wrong, something that is hurting them, we are TOLD to correct them.
JUDGING- on the other hand, is reserved for God. Judging is DETERMINING PUNISHMENT.
Example - Adultery is a sin. The punishment for sin is death. If you see your brother committing adultery, you are supposed to tell him he's wrong, but you are NOT allowed to kill him (i.e., enact punishment).
Think of it like this. The police officer arrests the criminal and tells them what they did wrong. The jury decides if they are guilty or not, and the JUDGE (God) determines their punishment. We are to be ';police officers'; in this world, not Judges.
I really hope this clears things up.
Basically, Christianity says that the Bible makes several references to homosexuality and calls it an ';abomination';. It's a pretty neat little word, and I like to use it myself, in statements such as:
Bigotry is an abomination
Discriminating against people on the basis of their sexual orientation is an abomination
who said gluttony was ok? yes his lifestyle does make a difference. if God commands you to be or not be a certain way and you don't how can you claim to be christain? it's different if you realize that you are doing something wrong and are working on change then if you realize it and refuse to change because 'that's just the way you are'.
We dont need gays in chicken capitol USA
He was baiting them. Don't sweat it too much.
you are wrong...god created adam and eve not adam and steve...aids is his punishment like it or not.
It is so easy to judge others, I never [as a straight man] have been able to figure out what the problem is with people being gay. If you are religious frustrated you probably need to vent it on some one.
Jesus is the Judge of all. The answerers here are expressing thier own opinions, and I stand behind all my answers, this is what I think.
Anyone who continues to live in sin (homosexuality, gluttony, or anything else) is most likely not a Christian.
I didn't respond to that thread, so I don't know who wrote what, but there are several passages of the NT that make it clear a Christian is evident by his lifestyle. A desire to continue sinning is evidence of a false convert.
Homosexuality is a sin. If that man is a christian, he should turn away from his sin. If he's continuing to participate in his sin, then he is putting that sin before God.
Being a christian is more than just believing in Jesus. It's making him Lord of your life. That means you obey what the Lord tells you. And the Lord clearly states in the Bible that homosexuality is wrong.
Now, that doesn't mean that God is impatient and expects a instant change. It would take someone time to change their ways. But, don't let the freedom you have in Christ lead you to indulge in sin. That would be a deadly road.
god created adam and eve not adam and steve
First of all, we aren't judging. GOD has ALREADY judged this matter. All we can do is tell people what He has said, and He's been pretty clear about it.
We as Christians do NOT take our beliefs from whatever the ever-changing culture says is okay or not okay. We follow the Bible, God's word.
Unfortunately, many of the so called ';christian'; churches today have compromised on following the Word of God, and it has confused alot of people. They have taken their lead from popular culture.
If you truly desire to know what God has said, READ HIS BOOK.
As true Christians, we are to witness for the Lord and His Word. It plainly states in the Bible that homosexuality is wrong. It's not OUR judgement, but God's. We're just putting the truth of God's Word out there in hopes that it touches someone and makes them realize the error of their ways (lifestyle)
Remember, knowing of Jesus and knowing Jesus is two vastly different things. Having a personal relationship with Him also means not to willingly keep on sinning. Even as Christians (born again) we still sin . But once saved we do it much less often and when we FALL into sin ( the unsaved will DIVE into it) we are to acknowledge it and ask God for forgiveness and strength to overcome future temptations.
remember...two of the same thing makes NOTHING
Pangel, first of all, look at the questioner's questions and answers. It's blatently obvious that he's not gay, nor is he a Christian. He's posted anti-gay and anti-Christian questions and answers. So he obviously posted this pseudo-question to rile us up.
Secondly, Jesus NEVER told us to tolerate sin. In fact, He said that if we see our Christian brother (or sister) sinning, we are to confront him about the sin. If he listens, we've regained our brother. If he doesn't repent, two are supposed to speak to him. If he doesn't listen to two, the entire congregation is to confront him. If there still isn't repentence, he is to be expelled from the congregation.
So, to answer your first question, it's Jesus. He taught us how to look at a Christian's life and evaluate his or her ';fruits.'; We cannot condemn anyone to hell, but we MUST confront active sin.
Gluttony is not a sin, per se. Perhaps you're thinking of the Catholic ';7 Deadly Sins,'; which are not in the Bible. (To see the TRUE list, go to Proverbs 6:16-19.) Gluttony is only a sin IF the person loves eating more than he or she loves God.
I'm gay, and same-sex married, and black, and an Atheist. How do you think that Christians have treated me? ';Judge not, lest ye be judged'; only goes so far...gays are bashed all over the Bible and bashed in real life because of the Bible.
Who made you judge and jury?
God is the Judge and Jury combined. HE has said that it is wrong, and Christians, (the real ones) are only reading the Verdict. Now the sentencing is about to be handed down at Judgment day when ALL stand in front of HIM to give an account of their life. The Christians are only trying to open the Spiritual Eyes so one may see. NO ONE is FORCING anyone to convert from their ways, it is up to each one as an individual. If they choose to be Spiritually Blind, and Spiritually Ignorant, that outcome is something that one has to accept, and cannot put the blame on no one else. Once the Truth has been made known, there is NO EXCUSE anymore. This topic goes back to the beginning of mankind, and is ALL THROUGH God's Word.
Someone here mentioned that Aids serves as punishment from God. What an angry God you have. I would like to ask you how do you feel about this ?. My daughter who worked as a nurse in S-africa was stabbed by an Aids patient with a needle she had just used to inject him with. She has been on treatment and because it takes a long time to see if she was infected has to live with the worry every single day. Now should she be infected with Aids do you still think she is being punished by Your God. If you have seen all the aids infected kids in S-Africa is that their punishment as well.
yeah, the responses are pretty atrocious, as we both knew they would be. Some hardline christians can be pretty awful human beings, especially considering they are supposed to have a divine moral guideline which includes the 10 commandments, 7 deadly sins and 7 virtues and such.
Then again, the guy asking the question also has questions like ';I have an insane crush on the Mexican Virgin Mary of I going to hell?'; (I checked his profile) so I suspect he is out to draw out these crowds rather than looking for guidance. He is succeeding well.
In fairness, there are also a couple of christians there that try to answer the question in a constructive way. Not that they won't attempt to 'de-gayify' him later because as all good christians know, homosexuality is a choice. /sarcasm.
disclaimer: I am a complete atheist.
You are probably a very nice person. You seem very sincere. You are ';sincerely'; wrong and obviously DON'T know the Bible! Show me an example in the Bible of Jesus socializing with homosexuals. Do you even own a concordance? If you do then look up all the words in the Bible that refer to men lying with men as with women. Look in a dictionary or encyclopedia to see what a ';Christian'; is. Briefly, it is one that lives by the teachings of Christ. In case you think that the Old Testament doesn't count consider this: John 1 verse 18 and John 6 verse 26 tell us that NO MAN HAS EVER SEEN OR HEARD the father. That means that Jesus was the God in the Old Testament. Read I Corinthians 10 verses 1 thru 4. Jesus gave Moses those 10 commandments! He dictated Leviticus 20 verse 13 to Moses. You seem to be following your feelings - be aware of what God tells us about our heart. Jeremiah 10 verses 9 and 10. The heart is deceitful ABOVE ALL THINGS!
Technically anyone who doesn't follow the teaching of Jesus is not a christian, but Jesus didn't say much about homosexuality. He did say
To keep from being fornicators all men should marry.
That's about it.
But we have to address the fact that Jesus said, except for Adultery no one should set aside their spouse, so technically those who use No Fault Divorce are not following Jesus' teaching, hence aren't good Christians.
Ultimately it is up to God in the end.
The idea, however, is to avoid doing things that might put you on God's bad side!
The Catholics take this concept and have said there is nothing wrong with being homosexual as long as you are celebate (not practising).
That seems to cover JEsus teachings. To avoid sex if you aren't married.
Catholics will not marry homosexuals. They view it in the Biblical sense of a man taking a woman as a wife.
I have to say although saddened I am not suprised at some of the answers.....Many of you speak as though you are without sin. The entire statistics thing was absurd...... 17% of hospital admissions (not std's) are gay people.....and they are not allowed to be sick or hurt? guess what that leaves 83% percent of the admissions to those entitled straight ogres...which by the way I am..... Also 20-106 partners in a year? stupid and I am sure outdated. Aside from the fact that alot of ';straight'; people lied through their teeth if the average of bed mates in a lifetime came out to be only 8.....laughable. One more statistic that was humorous was the %age of molestations committed by gays? well....guess what? the rest can be credited almost entirely to married middle age white ';Straight Men';.... I assume many of you loud mouth idiots would rather you children befriend a ';straight'; pedophile ANIMAL than a kind and productive gay PERSON. get a clue and get a life.....Judge not lest thee be judged.....and weatch out for skeletons derilects
Yes it does make a difference being gay is a sin and against God's word.Read the Bible.....Again he can not be a Christian if he is gay, and that is not judging
This does send out a pretty bad message about Christianity. Those who preach 'turn the other cheek' and a message of love but really just seem to live to hate.
I agree with you Pangel.
What she said.
Sad little version of Christianity isn't it Pangel?
Certainly not the grown up version that Jesus taught.
If your brainwashed like that guy said then thank God that I am too.
Love and blessings Don
hi babe. you should know by now that Christians are the most narrow minded people to Grace this planet. even the guy that posted the question. would not be the most open minded person in the room. considering religions frown on homosexuality as a rule ';its a sin'; so i say ***** them and their warped perception of god.
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