Someone told me something like this ';Woman gives sex for love and Man gives love for sex';. Please make up your mind whom you want to be with. You should watch this movie called Picture Perfect. There are guys who don't mind to have uncommitted relationship/sex with engaged/married girls cos they were never seriously want to be with those girls in the first place.Can you keep having sex with a man without getting feelings for him and falling in love?
Yes, it happens a lot unfortunately.
I hope your boyfriend reads this and punches you in the ovaries!
only a fool would fall in love because your taking down penis...
think about're a piece of meat to him
some guys can have sex with no feelings, some can't. it depends on the guy.
if i may say so, i think if you wish to be at all considerate, your concern at this point should not the whether or not this other guys has feelings for you. your concern should be how best to tell your fiance and possibly let him leave you with some sense of dignity. sure he may never find out, but what if he does? let him live his own life, a life without there being another man in the life of the woman who should only have him as her man.
once you have let him go, then wonder if this other guy has feelings for you.
am not judging you, but at this point i feel sorry for the fiance.
You can catch feeling but I am sure he isn't in the slightest catching feelings. A man can separate sex and emotions very well, hence the fact that they are prone to more one night stands than women. Men have the instincts for the need to spread their seed around Timbuktu, Women on the other hand are the givers of life and tend to become more emotionally attached to any sexual partner they have. We are hormonally not able to separate feelings from the physical aspects of relationships. I suggest you end the affair before you truly get hurt.
Do you guys have things in common? Do you guys have special times together beside just sex? If the answer is yes then you guys do have feelings, but if it is just basically sex, then he and you just enjoy having sex and there is no feelings involed.
duct tape
Your backstabbing your boyfriend that you've been with for 5 years! I know these things happen but its all ridiculous, if you was upset, why wasn't your fiance there to ';console'; you?
With all due respect, I hope your boyfriend reads this, he should know the truth.
this reminds me of kevin and mollys affair in coronation street. lol. anyway ur supposed to have sex with someone u love. if u dont love this guy brake it off
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