But I dont think thats wrong. Love can be felt to anyone which means a married or single man or woman may fall in love too. If a married man is married, you cant stop his feelings for someone else. Also, to get married is not a guarantee for a marriage to last forever. I think that man's wife should have kept all his attention and bound him to their home. I think that she forced him to marry him indirectly thinking insecure. I guess she knew that he was not in love with him.
I say that if a married man falls in love with another woman that MEANS he was never in love with his wife!
Also, that married guy fell in love with me at first sight. Am I to blame? I did nothing to attract his attention and now I am in love with him too, but cant make a move thinking that I will be the one to lose in the end.
Besides, I think that married man with a kid like him may get divorced too. I mean maybe we can be both very happy too.
HELP! What should I do? I too deserve to be happy and you dont fall in love with a male every minute. We are in love.
By the way, I am not in a relationship with me. He moves forward to me, but made no move to encourage him. I know he is in love with me, but does not know exactly how I feel about him. He is chasing me right now.
He is a store manager working SIX days a week from almost 10 to 22 at night. Can this working so hard cause him to have interest in other women?
How does working till long hours affect a married man?A married man is in love with me and I am in love with him too...?
I think that not you but HIM is to blame in the first place as he showed his feelings for you openly by not respecting his OWN wife and kid.
If you return his attention, you can then be blamed, BUT NOT NOW.A married man is in love with me and I am in love with him too...?
If he did it with you, he'll likely do it to you.
Justification for wanting to be a whore doesn't make you any less of one. Nice try though.
yes, and i am doing the same thing but I am not in love.
summary is
Marry him
'; I think that man's wife should have kept all his attention and bound him to their home.';
The future is bright with you...
First of all, let's gets something straight here...
he married her because he wanted to. Not because someone held a gun to his head, so get it out of your head thinking he was guilted somehow into marrying her.
Secondly, I do believe nobody can control who they fall in love with so it's very possible he's in love with you.
You need to just ask him where he sees his relationship with you and his marriage going...
You are sick, men take you girls for cheap little toys once u put pressure on them they chuck you aside as the rubbish you are.
First, he's willing to cheat on his spouse. You're letting yourself fall in love with a guy who by definition can't be trusted. Is that smart?
Second, he's likely just looking for some tail and probably isn't 'in love' with you at all.
Third, if he does leave her for you, In the end, he'll likely do the same thing to you. And you'll remember that we told you so.
No you are not to blame but he is still MARRIED. You need to move on and find someone that isn't married. Does he have kids? IF he does how would you feel about being known as the other woman that broke up there family. I don't understand their are so many men in the world and you want to go after a married man. If he really was in love with you than he would tell his wife get a divorce and than when he is single ask you out. I don't believe in divorce but every-ones views are different. I think you need to leave him alone he is MARRIED!!!
If he did it with you, he'll likely do it to you! That is just my opinion....
If he can even think about cheating on his wife, then he can just as easily cheat on you. And how could you even consider it? He has a KID. Whats wrong with you?
A divorce has to happen somewhere in there.
Any time, ANY time a married person cheats on their spouse, it has nothing to do with the person they're cheating on or the person they are cheating with, and everything to do with their own selfishness. Someone who is willing to cheat on a promise, to go behind closed doors and hide from their spouse, is all about themselves.
He is not thinking about you, he is thinking only about himself. That's not the kind of person you want a relationship with.
You are delusional. He didn't fall in love with you at first site and I doubt he even loves you.. If he did, he'd have divorced his wife... you are just trying to validate the fact you're a homewrecking hoor.... all i can say is I hope some woman does this to you when you get married.... no one likes women like you....
';Also, that married guy fell in love with me at first sight';
He fell in lust with you. When he's bored with you he'll go back to his wife, or the next hot young thang. Happens all the time.
And you say you have self confidence and self respect, but you can't possibly when you're another man's whore. Sorry but that's what you are. If he really loved you, his wife would be old news.
he's married..that may mean nothing to you..but it is a covenant before God that u have the unmitigated gall to ignore...shame on you..and to think the way you do..u deserve to be alone the rest of ur life
Yeah well i fall in love at first site almost every day . its those damn male hormones that screw up my thinking .
WOW... another doozy. read my lips: YOU....ARE....WRONG. there is no justification for this. there is a very thin line between love/lust, and I don't think you know the difference. don't confuse the two, and quit trying to justify immoral behavior.
you're right. if he loves you that means he's not in love with his wife anymore. but i would wonder if his love for me is real or just fantasy because I'm sure a lot of married men fantasize about other women. But, if it was me, i wouldnt go for a guy thats married. i think that it is wrong, if i was the wife i would think, she couldnt find a single man for herself but she had to steal mine. im not saying you're going to do that but thats how i would feel even though my husband is the one initiating the woman. and if a man is away all the time from his real life, his mind is going to wonder. baaack in the day when i was a teen, this guy who was a manager for a store would call me and tell me sweet nothings but he had a wife and a son and a baby on the way. i thought hmm..would he leave all that for me. no way! he would only call me when he wanted to see me, not when i wanted to see him. and he NEVER left his married life. then i noticed he started to talk to other women, thats when i knew his job was an escape, not his reality. if yu end up with this man and lets say u guys got married, you just recieved the position his ex wife had and he could possibly do the same to you. just remember that men say a lot of things to get what he wants. just be aware.
In Australia we have a word for women like you - and that word is SKANK... and my God do you live up to it!!
You know whats going to happen?? You WILL end up with him and he WILL cheat on you.
When things go bad with him, he will go running back his poor wife %26amp; realised what a SKANK you are. She will always be BEFORE you. You will always have to live up to her.
You have confidence and self-respect??? HAHAHA!!! Are you living in another world or what, Skank??
If you have even 1 once of self-respect or respect for others, you would repect the fact that this man has taken marriage vows with another and he is TAKEN. end of story. Go find a single man.
You have self-confidence?? You probably cannot get a single man so you are going after a man who is already married. Yeah... what amazing 'confidence' you must have.
Woman like you make my stomach churn.
And he will leave his wife to be with you too!! Yeah right, NOT!!
You'll never trust him... and will lie awake at night when he is away on business or out with the boys. Are you prepared for that? It's a really sick feeling when you can't trust your partner. Think about that...
Love has nothing to do with this issue. Say he leaves his wife and comes to you, he will do the same thing to you. Men like this always out for the looking and taking, especially some easy gal like you. You is a SUCKER foolish gal.
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