23 '; Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.';
Now Christians, I ask again, ';Do you love Jesus?';
If yes, give examples on how you do.Christians: Do you love Jesus?
Its sort of hard to explain on how i love Jesus. He saved my life by dying for me and forgiving me of all my sin.
I love Jesus by telling others about his amazing and unchanging love, by doing my best to keep his commandments, by going down to Mexico every summer and building homes for the less fortunate, by giving 10% of what i make to him ( giving money to his church) and by praying and worshiping him through singing praises.
^^^ thats how i worship my savior.Christians: Do you love Jesus?
T921: I did a little search on your page and found out you are female. Sorry for calling you ';brother';.
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Hey holy woman
Doesn't it bother you that most didn't answer your secound question.
Many said why they love J., which wasn't what you asked.
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Yes, that is true, many did not answer me on how they loved Jesus. I was blessed, though, to hear the testimonies of those who did.
No, I was not bother that many didn't answer the 2nd question.
Why are you bothered by it?
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Just as He loves us
obey obey obey
i do love Him very much and He knows that.
Yes, with all my heart..........
You bet I do.
How I love him is between my Savior and me.
yes, see examples at:
duh, of course, if i didn't, i wouldn't be christian
Yes, even though sometimes i commit sin i know that he will forgive me. Because if i confess my sins He is faithfull to forgive me.
well we wouldn't be Christians if we didn't love Him! lol of course!!!!!!!
It was Jesus loved me and died for me. He had enough love to die for my sins. I have nothing to brag about.
yes i do
i try to help out in my community, babysitting for bible studies, volunteering at the soup kitchen...
Yes and I show it by making him my LORD and by putting him first and foremost.
Yes I do love My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I believe that if you Love Him then you do as He asked, Keep His commandments. By keeping then we show our love and loyalty.
We show our love in how we act and treat others.
You show your love for Him by the amount of time you are willing to spend with Him.
Our character reveals our love for Him. If we love Him we will follow His example and and do His will in every aspect of our lives. We will want to be like Him
i agree with what they all say
and yes i DO love jesus
i play the drums as church
help out with the kids, youth group
cook meals for the church
help cleaning
anything that i can do
not just at church but in my life
I love Jesus.
1. I follow his words.
2. I Listen to his father and mine, GOD.
3. I accept Jesus as my savior.
is it me or u cannot read the Bible? u know...reading It means u have to understand it, it's a kinda code and not even the greatest mythologists and all those guys didin't break all the Bible codes. On that question I answer: ';Yes I love Jesus with all my heart, 'cause he help'd me when i needed and when i did something bad he had shown me that i wasn't supposed to do that and i never did that again.'; why do I say that? beacause i look'd and read between the lines of The Holy Bible and other religious books. u should think more deeply and not only about yourself...
Yes! Yes! Yes!!!
I love Him because He has first love me!!!
I don't think Christians Love Jesus and I have a living example. Few weeks back a movie was released titled ';Da Vinci Code';, it was a Blasphemy according to Christians but no Christian opened his mouth. I couldn't see a single peaceful demonstration by Christians.
Some Christians may say that ';We are civilised people nd we do not held demonstrations for fictions';, Ok now read this..
If you love Jesus that means you love him with all your heart and that also means you love him more thanyou family and kids, more than your properties, ok, now if someone tries to abuse your family and someone tries to take your property, wont youtry to stop him by every mean.
Why didn't you then stop the producers of ';Da Vinci Code'; you were not alone, there are millions of Christians all over the World, you would have taught the producer and the director of the movie a lesson but you decided to keep quite...
Do you still believe that you love Jesus....
Iam Not Christian But,I Love N Respect Jesus!!
First of all I am answering you not for points, but your question attract me to answer you. But let me tell you the truth why I love Jesus. If I explain you more this yahoo answers will not be enough to share about it. I just would like to tell in a Simple Way.
I love Jesus because:
1. He is my savior.
2. He is only the way, the truth and the life.
as a God prophet :)
yes, i love him more that anything! i would give my life for him. he is my, and our older brother! : ) i follow and love him by keeping his commandments, and following the word of wisdom! : )
i love him more than words can explain .
because i keep his sayings
jesus is not real
Jesus said ';inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me';, and ';inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me'; (Matthew 25). The way we show our love for Jesus is displayed in how we act to those around us... the beggar on the street corner, the driver who just cut you off in traffic, the preacher to calls you to repentance, your next door neighbor, and the many people on Yahoo! Answers who don't believe the same way you do.
I'm not perfect, but I try to show my love for Jesus by being a good example of what I believe in; I extend a helping hand to those who need it, I am not hostile toward anyone, and I study the scriptures every day.
Yes. I love Christ with all my heart. The outward manifestation of my love for Him is my obedience to His commands. Such as treating people the way I want to be treated, and giving to those who are less fortunate.
Another example is how He said ';Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.'; I have been a long term missionary in India and the Philippines and currently am serving in Singapore. Outward acts are not synonomous with love for Christ, but are the outward manifestation proving we have the inward reality worked into our hearts.
Heres some more verses too.....
1Jo 2:3 By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments.
1Jo 2:4 The one who says, ';I have come to know Him,'; and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
1Jo 2:5 but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him:
1Jo 2:6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.
Joh 14:15 ';If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
Joh 15:10 ';If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
Yes, I love him. I love him because he first loved me. He accepts me for who I am, the good and the bad things. His teachings are in my heart. I try to treat others in the same way I want them to treated me.
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