Thursday, October 21, 2010

My boyfriend dumped me 2 hours ago over an argument... how do I apologize in a satisfying way?

Okey... so I sent some angry e-mails to my ex-friend because he told me he was taking a one month vacation to another country 1 day after we start kissing and holding hands. And then I discovered he was actually in another country but he's ignoring me now because he thinks I'm crazy. He just dumped me about 2 hours ago.

I sent him this e-mail:

';Please give me another chance. When you called me last month I was so nervous about meeting you I went 24 hours without any sleep before my job interview. I think that inspite of everything, you are a really good person who has made many bad choices. You are the only Christian I know who measures up to my standard of purity but I didn't think I could ever be good enough for you so I tried to decrease your value by pretending not to know you. I am really defensive and slow to trust people because I get suicidal thoughts when I am in love with a man whose heart doesn't belong to me.';

Background info:

When we went out he used to see me once every 2-3 weeks.... and then he cut me out of his life without giving me any explanation... and later told me he thought I was ';crazy.'; And then I made a list of 20 - 30 accusations towards him when he was at my house this morning about how he mistreated me and didn't take me seriously... and he left after about an hour saying ';It's pretty obvious that you don't want me here.';

Then he says this:

';I am sorry but I think it is best for both of us if we stayed away from each other for good. I don't want to keep hurting you when it is clear that we want different things out of life. I also think it would be very beneficial for you to start seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist about your issues. I hope you have a good and fulfilling life and that you find someone who will aprpeciate and love you but that is just not met. ONce again I am sorry if I hurt you but this is the best thing for everyone. Goodbye and don't worry, you will find someone.

Then I sent him this e-mail

';Do you remmber when you used to stutter when you talked? I remember watching you follow Clorissa around the student centre. U looked so miserable and chaotic but if some girl had given you a chance to be yourself you would have been normal after 3 weeks. I have never been close to a guy but if you give me a chance it won't take me long to adjust and I don't think I ever told you what God wanted me to do with my life. God told me to write books and to use the money to sponsor a chrisitan orphanage in africa. I told you about the tim hortons idea. I also want to get a phd in theology at an ivy league school once my book is published.';

Then I said

Let's meet for coffee.... (That was bout 35 minutes ago)

So what do I do now?My boyfriend dumped me 2 hours ago over an argument... how do I apologize in a satisfying way?
How about you stop degrading yourself over a man.My boyfriend dumped me 2 hours ago over an argument... how do I apologize in a satisfying way?
quit revenge is pretending he doesnt exist
suck his ****
Today is national day of prayer, so on your knees is a good start. :D
Why apologize? He's the one that dumped you. It's time to move on.
I hate to break it to you, but you DO sound crazy.

Ever hear the expression: If you love them set them free? If he's into you he'll come back. Right now you just sound like the crazy girl who he'll need a restraining order from.
You sound like a passive-aggressive clingy little stalker. You apparently throw god into your conversations way too much for his comfort, and don't behave like the good Christian you claim you want to find. I think you're far too high-maintenance for him, and proving it with begging and rambling emails will only confirm that he is right. Let it go.
You REALLY should consider therapy...
how old are you?

And see, you would have liked to marry him right?
Hun there is nothing more you can do......honestly its pretty obvious he wants to move on...without you. I suggest you do the same...
try to get over him and move on
Say this-

';Hey I'm really sorry. Will you please undump me?';
So how were you kissing and holding hands if he's in another country? I'm assuming you meant this incident a while back and I just misunderstood.

Let him go. He already had plans to leave and wanted to get something from you (wink) before he left. Whether he got it or not, is no body's business, so I'm not asking, but now he needs an excuse to get rid of you. He was using you and he's not worth you time and energy now.
I see you trying to psychologically manipulate this guy, but he apparently doesn't want to play any more. He may be a bum. He may be losing the best thing in his life. But it is his life. Your desperate tactics will not help the situation. Right now you need to work more on your own self-reliance. There is something unattractive about a grasping, needy woman. You can't force him to like you. Pursue your own goals and let love take its own time.
having suicidal thoughts over a man who clearly does not love you is not right. if you have suicidal thoughts then you do need to see a psychiatrist. Seeing one is NOT a big deal. People make it seem like you are a crazy person if you see one. That is not true. Many many many people see psychiatrists ( like i did when i was 18) I was depressed. I got suicidal thoughts from time to time as well. And TRUST ME, if it helped me to turn my life completely around then you can too.

And as for this guy....

Cut him out of your life completely. He clearly does not appreciate you and you deserve far better than that. It will take time for you to heal from this, but down the line you will look back at this and realize how ridiculous it was of you to throw yourself on this guy. He is not worth your time! YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT!

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