How do you control your mind, stay calm, stable and rational, let logic reign supreme in your life, rather than be a slave to cravings and emotional urges like most people?
How do you train yourself exertfully to shun comfort and laziness, and make yourself do things that feel too hard?
How do you become your own best friend, be a self-starter and self-helper, become an industry of almost everything you need in life?
If you believe in God, how do you keep your whole life just between you and Him? A strongly believed-in relationship/communication with God is the simplest and strongest relationship there is. Because you never get a physical or verbal response, positive or negative, and communicating by yourself to God always feels fulfilling, strengthening, cathartic, and even august.
If you don't believe in God, what do you believe in that can fuel the personal strength to be as I asked above? Survival? Loyalty to oneself? The drive to succeed? The pursuit of power? Hedonism? Love of your environment and fellow man?
I'm just a normal, mediocre person. There is no doubt in my mind that people who can do this are a tiny minority and come the longest way. So it's what I aspire for.
How will you answer these questions? What do you think it's all about?How do you thrive on your own?
You have to have a hobby, be good at it, and let it praise the Lord and give Him glory .. seeking after your own recognition usually ends in failure ..How do you thrive on your own?
So far so good
Won't go into the occasional F**k up in the past
Wherefore, he will apreserve the brighteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.
18 Behold, my brethren, I say unto you, that these things must shortly come; yea, even blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke must come; and it must needs be upon the face of this earth; and it cometh unto men according to the flesh if it so be that they will harden their hearts against the Holy One of Israel.
I live alone, but i need my family and friends to thrive..
God created us to be in relationship, with Himself and others - so to thrive in a situation where we attempt to live without people who love us is impossible.
Everything you have asked here can only be attained thru a personal relationship with God (The Lord Jesus Christ) only then do we find why we've been created, why we are here, who we truly are, how we grow, and where we are going.
I need God, my family and friends to thrive ~ %26amp; my two cats lol :))
Jesus loves you!
May He bless %26amp; guide you on the way :)
I thrive on my own because I am a self-actualizer. Al I can say is that I have acquired self discipline through years of hard work, self improvement, self education and keep an open mind.
There are a number of good books that I have read over the past twenty-years contributed to my personal well being.
I use lateral thinking techniques, common sense and emotional intelligence, avoid toxic individuals, illegal substances, and eat healthy food. Stay away from junk food and cut down on coffee,tea and sugary sodas. I, also, try to focus on my strengths and manage my weaknesses.
I maintain a balance Lifestyle. I don't go to church nor do I believe that God helps me as an individual..
I am just an ordinary middle aged man who lives a simple life.
However, occasionally I do get tempted to do the wrong thing because I've accepted that I am not perfect in anyway whatsoever. Use humour to get over most obstacles in my life.
Do the right thing, tolerate people who do the wrong thing by you and forgive them. Move on and forget the past.
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