I know that as a general rule of thumb, sun signs with opposing elements are not supposed to be compatible, however there are some astrologers who call this partnership a good match. I have never personally dated an Aries male, but based on what I've heard, they love constant compliements and being the centre of their partner's world, but to them, the THRILL of the chase is far more exciting than catching the girl. I believe they are very flirtatious, but give their heart and soul to the right person. I know I'm not an Aries male, I'm a Pisces woman like you, but I hope I am of some help to you. (Try to determine what his moon and ascendant sign is, because if either of them are water signs, particularly his moon sign, you stand a good chance of catching him!)
Good luck!How do you keep an aries man intrested?
Interesting discussion folks ! I am an Aries man ! And the lass I love most in the all the world is also a Pisces ! No, we're not all idiots ! (LOL, no offence intended !) When we're devoted, we're passionately devoted - and to one woman only !
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Not all Aries lads are insensitive - speaking for myself ! When we develop our caring and creative side we can be incredibly sensitive and romantic - as long we're appreciated ! Good luck, much love and fun to you all !
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P.S. I'm 39 !
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play hard to get
hard to get
hard to get
hard to get
hard to get! The minute they taste conquest, they loose interest.
Aries and Pisces are not really compatible.
I don't know many Aries men ,but from the ones I do know I have to ask,why do you want to keep him period?
my brother is an aries and cousin has been with an aries man for a while, and they seem to be into looks very very much. my brother is totally shallow.
Aries are Idiots get out before Its too late their right losers just look at him realistically he is an idiot right?
If you like him that bad just ignore him.
act arrogant,distant and superior,for some reason it works with them.
Give him a reason to keep you; keep him on his toes hehe lol.
And as for ';sDotk '; don't be a complete moron. Every sign has there goods and bads.
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