Help me if you can... we arent even together... but i won't give up.... im like the jackrussel terrier that no one wants because of his obsession with seeking approval and being the better dog..
Here is the problem.... My god it is a huge problem.... I shall explain... I've fallen inlove with this girl, she is MILES MILES MILES away...i dont think anyone will be able to solve this with me because i kind of left it up to her to solve the problem because we think so dang alike. We are like joined by the soul. That close because everytime i say something she believes the same thing.... everything. u name it. Okay..
Here is what happened.. shame on me for letting it happen, but we both take credit in this problem. we are so perfect for eachother yet its like i steped onto the stage way too early. I'm 20, shes 20. She lives in cali, i live in maryland. Terrible distance. We met online. Not intentionally. please dont judge this till u read it all the way and put urself in our shoes... but then again it doesnt completely matter. any input is better than no imput but i hope i get millions of replies..
We met online while we were playing a game. just childsplay. im not embarassed by that altho i feel ashamed because i woulda felt more proud meeting someone in a bar lol atleast it would be in person. but it comes to show that physical appearance doesnt matter even if i think shes an angel.
Now she was drunk because of some problem that was going on with her. how can i trust her? read it all the way... i wont explain everything because not everything needs words or can use words...
I knew she was drunk so with that knowledge i should have decided to talk to her when she was sober but we both wanted to have fun while we played this game. Now heres what i did because i am a genuine gentleman. I basically asked her if she had a bf by asking her, ';does your bf know you play this game?'; and then she replied with a no i dont have one... well yes thats where i was first betrayed, she lied... i forgave her... but because she said that i approached, charmed, whatever u wana call it. revealed some of my world to her. Everything clicked...
The next day she appologized she was drunk and didnt mean to lead me on... she admitted to having a bf.. but I STUPIDLY persued her anyway... but its still the best mistake ive ever made... i was just as bad. i told her i enjoyed what we did and i wanted the attention... i could have said stop at any time... yes i didnt know she had a bf thats where the line is drawn but crap happens.. we are human... we make mistakes.... now...
I convinced her that i didnt care.. we talked for about a month and everything... sparks... rainbows.. everything happened... without physically being there with eachother... the world became smaller and i was there with her. Obviously im inlove and not just broken...
Here is the issue. she has fallen inlove with me too.. PERfectly. if there is ever such a thing in disaster this would be it... she brought back all the things i locked up in my past... she helped me tear down the walls i built to keep love from ever hurting me again....
Now she is taken... nothing i can do about it... i confused the heck out of her by charming her even with the knowledge of her being taken... not a spell... just being the man of anyones dreams. everything coming out exactly as i meant it... and she understands EVERYTHING i say. without trying. THE PERFECT MATCH! just the problem is the timing.... if i had come when she had broken up with this guy idk.. jeeeeee wiz im so dang broken... we made promises.....
She was going into the military and that we are going to write eachother while she is in... she doesnt know when she is goin in... but i will write her.. even if it means writting her for a year and never getting oone reply... now...
Now the only thing that we came up with to keep us sane without breaking us off.. BECAUSE SHE DOESNT WANT TO BREAK THIS EITHER!!! this is so incredible... we think completely alike. we want exactly the same thing yet the complication remains that she it taken... i cant do anything about it other than charm her to the point that she says i love you to me again and this curse will be broken..
Why? i made a promise... a compromise... that, '; i'll tell you what hun... if you promise me that you will be the first to say i love you again and that you want to see me now, even tho i cant just drop everything and leave right away... that you will be the first to say it when u are ready....'; How feckin complicated is that? its like a movie! its insane... now look i can keep my promise... i told her i can if she keeps hers. what was my promise? i promised her no matter what i was going to hold onto this... no mattter what i was never going to let go... if one of us dies then obviously its gunna have to happen, but while one of us lives and there is still a heart to be beaten to the point of conscience WE WILL NEVER LET GO! iHas anyone ever had a mutual love...while..making the mistake of getting together with a girl that was taken..?
Tell her to breakup with her bf and come to u. Cos it sounds that u both luv each other very much. She cannot sail on two boats at once..Has anyone ever had a mutual love...while..making the mistake of getting together with a girl that was taken..?
Sounds too personal for me to answer. It sounds like you 2 were made for eachother and if she loves you and you love her, she should not have a man. Well i don't want to give you the wrong advice and ruin everything, so id rather not tell you too much. but email me:
Dude when she get's into the Military, Ask her to transfer to or near Maryland and go from there.. And then her b/f has to write or travel to see her, Then see if there Relationship will last for her and her b/f... Other then that ask her to leave him and get with you if u both think ur perfect for each other..
thats cute and sad :[[ im practically speachless but Good Luck hope it works out
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