and i tell my self ''why would he even look at me when he can with a woman like that''.
i have never been in a real relationship. i tend to stop before they had a chance to tell me. why am i doing this?How do you keep self confidence when in love?
You have to boost your self esteem and not see the other women as competition.. everybody has weaknesses and strenghts.. believe in yourself.. We are all unique.. you are unique.. and nobody is perfect.. also not those other women.. Be yourself.. don't try to be something or someone you aren't.. that would be the biggest mistake.. appear open minded.. smile at the guy you care about.. that works as an ice breaker.. smile with confidence.. Join a club..if you have time.. that way you get to know other people.. that will help you to losen up...You should join some hobby or activity group.. that will get you to meet other people who share your hobby and you are likely to make friends.. Don't give a man the impression that you believe you aren't worthy of him.. Believe in yourself.. if a guy falls in love with you. then don't leave the relationship for fear that he will tell you that it's over.. You need to believe that you are good enough for any man, that you are a unique person, worthy of respect.. respect yourself and respect others.. show you are open minded.. smile, if you smile that helps if you are lost for words.. at least it shows you are approachable. if you are not approachable. guys may get the impression you are not interested or they are scared to approach you because they believe you may see that as harrassment.. so smile.. and just be yourself.. what is meant to happen will happen.. LOOK in the mirror and say to yourself. ''Good morning ''BB';';You are a wonderful person and today is a great day.. ''How do you keep self confidence when in love?
ok well he like su so obviously he chose u over any of them girls. dont let this get in the way of your self asteme. be lucky you have some. i have NONE i hate myself im ugly and fat and have no friends (not even kidding)
well stop comparing yourself to them, youre not them and everyones beautiful in their own way. sure he couldd have them but he doesnt want them he wants you. be happy with thatt
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