Sunday, November 21, 2010

How can you tell a man really loves?

Can a man that truly loves me can at the same time fantasize about me having oral sex with another man?? what does that say about the guy or where I stand?I have read certain emails regarding certain particialr services from guys and girls.. I knwo for a fact he does not have the time to fool around, but why does he tend to enjoy these kind of activiteis.. does this mean he doesnt care about me or love me?? he tells me that he just interestd in their comebacks , he says he just trying to see what they have to say. I hate it that he does that , I dont think he is cheating ..he is a big joker but I cant seem to let go of this filthy side he has. but should it bother me this much where I am having such hard time believing he loves me or trust him. Do you think this kind of a man lives two different lives?? /how can I tell he is really in love with me and watns to be with me?? Or am i too follish to believe taht he is being honest with and that im being played. And i give him evrything. I cook, clean, i have an ectremely healthy sexual healthy he cannot keep up with me, so I cant say that i lack sex. Do i need to let go of my 3+ year relationship because of this or can i trust him and stay with him?How can you tell a man really loves?
uh.... unless you want to end up with some sotr of std I would say hit the road!
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