Sunday, November 21, 2010

Question 4 men and women how do you make your marriage work after 14yrs and a few storms what r your secrets?

how do you keep the sparks sparkilng?how do u keep love alive?how do u stay im sorry 4 the wrong u might have done?how do 4 give her when u no she has done wrong? and why? whats the most important thing in your life when you r married?why is marraige so hard to leave,buit easy 2 get into?if talking is hard 2 do with your loved one what is the next best thing? how do u 4 give and trust again?should $ b the back bone of your marraige?why when or if u fight with your lover do u feel like the world has come to an end?why is the sex better when you r drinking?is oral sex important in a marraige?will u do things to make yoyur lover mad on purpose ?like let me know what a real godd marraige is and how do u get your to b really close to a perfect one. holla back at your boy asap because im in .love and lost marraige didnt come with a book on how 2 make it work Question 4 men and women how do you make your marriage work after 14yrs and a few storms what r your secrets?
The answer to your question is understanding, understanding whats happening, why it has happening and when it is likely to happen again. The best plain English source of information I found are 2 books: 1- The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, 2-Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage by Mark Gungor. My bride and I have been married 40 years, she has some strong points and some weak points I have some strong points and some weak points but together we can kick anybody's butt. I wish you the best but don't expect anything different if you always do what you always done.Question 4 men and women how do you make your marriage work after 14yrs and a few storms what r your secrets?
You have asked a lot questions. There a lot of carnal answers but only one biblical one. Agape Love. This is love that originates in you from the Holy Spirit and does not depend on how someone else treats you. You need a spirit of forgiveness and not hold on to pass transgressions. You must be born again.
';There was a man all alone;

. . . . his eyes were not content with his wealth.

';For whom am I toiling,'; he asked,

';and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?';

This too is meaningless鈥?

a miserable business!

Two are better than one,

because they have a good return for their work:

If one falls down,

his friend can help him up.

But pity the man who falls

and has no one to help him up!

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.

But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered,

two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.';

- - - Ecclesiates 4

That third strand is God (Jesus). Even iof BOTH the other strand are broken, God will not give up on the marriage. There is ALWAYS a possibility of putting it back together.

After 20+ years of marriage, I've lost count of the time I've had to count on, rely on, and hang on to that third strand. I can no longer count the number of times I've had to tell myself that MY strand is broken, and %26gt;I%26lt; need to fix it, and also the other times that I've had to stand and scream ';YOUR STRAND IS BROKEN!';

But God NEVER gives up. ';What God has brought together, let no man tear apart'; -- and that includes the two people in the marriage.

And you must remember, forgiveness is GIVEN, not earned. Romans 5:8 says that even while we were sinners, Christ forgave us. God's forgiveness is unconditional, because we cannot earn it. We are not capable of earning it. If God's forgiveness depended on us, there would be none!

Se we must practice the same -- giving forgiveness without being asked, giving it unconditionally without consider of the other parties former actions or current repentence, expecting only that the other party will accept it in the spirit with which it is given.

Sorry, only one question per customer!
Marriage is a relationship between two (or more) VERY BEST FRIENDS!

I'd google: relationship tips and learn how to make a good relationship.
I am not reading all that. Why don't you keep it real and ask a few simple questions or go get yourself a marriage counselor.

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