Friday, November 19, 2010

No matter how much a man loves you, he's going to think about other women?

No, that's not a question. It's the striking truth I recently discovered, and I would like to know how you as a woman learnt to come to terms with this (I suppose every single woman must at some point in their life accept this fact).

No matter how sexy and beautiful you are, no matter how much he enjoys sex with you, no matter how much he loves you, he's always going to fantasise about others, even though he may not act out on his desires. The fact that he's not unfaithful proves that he truly loves you, does not want to hurt you or lose you, but he will not give up watching porn and such.

How do you manage to keep romance alive when you acknowledge the fact that your significant other feels lust for other women, masturbates to them and watches pornography?

Don't you find it disrespectful or inapropiate? Don't you feel you don't understand his sexuality? How can I come to terms with this and still feel special in his eyes?

I just can't get my head around this. Some insight from the men?No matter how much a man loves you, he's going to think about other women?
Well im a girl and my boyfriend I know looks at other women. But I am not innocent because I always check out other guys. As long as he has no intentions to pursue and is not easilyinfluenced by oters its nothing to worry about. Its just in there nature to find other women attractive and fantacise about different types of women. As long as hes paying the bills I really dont care ! : )No matter how much a man loves you, he's going to think about other women?
actually not all guys are like that, mine wasn't im sure. Though i know of plenty of blokes who no matter what can never be faithful
its all in your head
Porn is a quick and instant source of stimulation. It indicates that there is something lacking in the bedroom, which is often related to fantasy. Sexual campatibility is very very very important. Yes, at first just about any sex will do, but after a while, a couple needs to be in sync when it comes to exploring sex. Men watch porn for the same reason women own battery operated boyfriends.

Is it disrespectful to flaunt images of other women in front of yours? Absolutely. The solution as I see it is an honest discussion when the couple gets to the root of the problem in an open, honest, and non judgemental way.

It is possible for a man to love a woman deeply but he has grown disatisfied with his sex life. No one likes criticism and wants to change things up. Your man needs to change things for you by not hurting you with porn. Maybe there are things you need to do for him. It's not a blame game. Be solution oriented. Each person needs to take care of his or her own issues.
Porn is gross, and if your man watches porn even though you give it to him and you satisfy him. Something is wrong. Not every man is like that. Let me say it again. NOT EVERY MAN IS LIKE THAT. Masturbation should happen only when your away for the weekend or week not away for the day. Find a new guy, cause its sounds like yours has an obsession.
I don't want a man like that and if they are all like that then i will be alone for the rest of my life and like it. I think porn is disgusting and it's disrespectful to watch it knowing your partner doesn't like it, it's like virtual cheating..he can think about ******* other women watch them and pretend he's ******* them using his hand i would never put up with that. the only reason my relationship works is because he is the opposite of all this..I don't beleive most people know what love is nowadays.. you can love some one and cheat lie beat them up watch porn **** while thinking about thier family members. That's not love. in my eyes the only porn that is acceptable is the one's we have made ourselfs. If he needs to **** he can use that. I class porn as cheating cheating with the mind.. and if you do that your disrespecting me.

I don't do any of these things to him and he shouldn't do it to me. I don't care if ';he is a guy it's normal'; it's not ******* ALLOWED *****.

I have a boyfriend.. he doesn't show any signs of thinking about others.. looking at them.. doesn't watch porn has never been with anyone else i ask him to be honest with me and tell him it's fine etc etc.. he still tells me.. no i don't think about other women when i ask why he just says because i have you i don't need anyone else. I truelly beleive him. I beleive he thinks the way that i do.
Okay to correct you on this.. My fiancee does not watch porn, does not read magazines and does not masturbate...I dont know where you got this idea that all guys do this. There are guys out there who, while in a relationship, respect there girl enough not to do these things because they feel a sense of guilt and they feel like they are cheating on there girl if they even think of doing it. My fiancee has his computer right out in the living room and i can go on it any day or time when he is at work and i can scroll through his inbox, i can look at his browsing history, i can do this all.. When he isnt at work, he is with me at home. There isnt even time for him to be by himself because he spends so much time with me..its rare if we are lucky to spend a day a week apart..and you know what.. the only time he did masturbate, i was away for over two weeks and he was honest enough to actually tell me that he did and when he did he was thinking of me..

Obviously i felt hurt by this because i felt like he was cheating on me, so as a soloution, we decided that next time he wanted to do that when i was away and was un-able to meet his need physically, we would have phone sex and he would be more motivated to focus on are relationship and our love...

There are guys out there who do not do these things.. Its the media and the ceccular society that will tell you that every guy does it.. But there are guys who know how to avert there eyes and focus ththere thoughts on what is true, pure and intimate..

Also realize..that most males when masturbating are not doing it for the feelings or the emotions. There emotions are completely turned off.. the only thing they are looking for is the release physically. Does that mean they should do it every day all the time? especially when in a commited sexual relationship:? No... but when they are stressed and just want that release especially when there is a fight between you two or there is something emotional going on..he just wants to deal with it...Porn is used to get the mind and body motivated.. i dont believe in it and i dont agree with it.. but this much i cant love a women in a magazine and have a relationship with her..

To be honest..maybe this guy isnt the guy that has the morals that you want in a relationship..I personally cant deal with a guy who masturbates and watches porn..ive tried before..but couldnt deal with might want to be with someone else..

You know you might want to watch the movie FIREPROOF.. it talks all about this stuff

Of course! He's mother he's sister and friends..Don't be a jealousy okay..If you think he's relationship with he's friends so friendly better you kept watch okay?
well most of the men actually started looking at porn when they were aged about 17 and most of the men find that as a hobby its like a drug its hard to get off

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