Thursday, November 11, 2010

How can I learn to pick my battles? I can't stop fighting with the one man I love. ?

For my previous readers: Me and my boyfriend from a few months back have decided to get back together and work things out. We decided to get our own place and really live in a world to call our own. However, it seems that our little lover quarrels are going back to old habits. We keep fighting over the little things (i.e ';How come the kitchen is messy? Why didn't you put the dishes away? Why this, why that?';) We can't help ourselves! It's like we have to do it. I hate fighting with him. It's like a routine after awhile. I just want to stop the annoying little habits that have accumulated. I want to marry this man eventually, however I don't want a marriage filled with tedious little arguments. I can't help picking on him, just like he can't help picking on me. It's like we both want to compete and prove to each other who's right. We both have a streak of pride that sits on a pedestal, and when we both reach a level of ';NO COMPROMISE';, then neither of us win. I just need help. How do I relax? How do I learn to pick my own battles? I'm just frustrated! Really. I'm trying so hard, and I just want him to acknowledge that.How can I learn to pick my battles? I can't stop fighting with the one man I love. ?
I know what you're going threw. Me and my ex were together for almost 3 years. He was always yelling at me about the house not being clean, where I was at, why I'm late and anything else he ';thought'; I did wrong. It got to the point where he thought he controlled my whole life. Everything I done I had to ask first. Its only going to get worse, you need to sit down and talk to him about it. Me and my boyfriend ended up breaking up because he started getting abusive. I got with someone else almost 7 months ago. Now things are going down hill there to. Good Luck. I hope everything works out. You need to just talk to him about it. Tell him how you feel. Maybe you guys need some time away from each other. I'm not saying break up. But since you live together I don't know if you're always together or not. But maybe you need to go hang out with your friends for a few hours and he needs to do the same. You may just need your space for a little bit. When you're together all the time you will find something to start bickerig about. Good Luck agian.

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